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7C Solarparken buy systinvest

Start price
03.01.23 / 50%
Target price
Performance (%)
End price
This prediction ended on 26.04.23 with a price of €3.94. With a performance of -6.52%, the BUY prediction for 7C Solarparken by systinvest closed slightly in the red. systinvest has 50% into this prediction

7C Solarparken is a Germany-based company that operates in the renewable energy sector. The company specializes in owning and operating solar power plants, and it currently manages a portfolio of 162 photovoltaic plants located in Germany, the Netherlands, and other European countries. 7C Solarparken is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and provides investors with the opportunity to invest in a company that contributes to the transition towards sustainable energy production.

Performance without dividends (%)
Name 1w 1m 1y
7C Solarparken -0.676% -0.676% -34.277%
iShares Core DAX® 2.275% 2.585% 17.015%
iShares Nasdaq 100 6.015% -0.750% 23.971%
iShares Nikkei 225® 4.456% 1.767% 10.206%
iShares S&P 500 4.061% 0.716% 23.092%

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