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Worried About Retirement? Here's How to Combat the 3 Most Common Fears

If thinking about retirement stresses you out, you're definitely not alone. A recent Transamerica survey found that nearly 95% of respondents had at least one major worry about retirement, the three most common of which are outlined below. While I'd like to be able to tell you these concerns are overblown, the truth is, they're not. Any of these troubles could affect you, and there's no way to guarantee they won't. But with careful planning, you can reduce the odds of them derailing your retirement.

The No. 1 retirement concern, shared by 40% of workers surveyed, was that they'd run out of savings. That's understandable when you consider that for some people, retirement will last for more than three decades and require more than $2 million. Building a nest egg that large is a tall order, which is why it's important to prioritize investing for retirement at every stage of your life.

Image source: Getty Images.

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