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Why Warren Buffett Doesn't Worry About Election Results

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has been invested in stocks for decades, and has seen many presidents come and go during that time. And if you're investing for the long haul, you have to be prepared for the reality that your preferred party won't always be in power.

You don't need to get in and out of stocks depending on election results or changes in power. Buffett hasn't let that affect his long-term strategy, and investors would do well to follow a similar approach.

Buffett has said in the past that politics don't necessarily weigh on his investing decisions: "I won't say if my candidate doesn't win, and probably half the time they haven't, I'm going to take my ball and go home." In general, Buffett is just bullish on America and the economy's ability to continue growing and progressing over the long term.

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