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Why Triumph Group Lost Altitude This Week

Issues at are further delaying a long-awaited rebound at supplier Triumph Group (NYSE: TGI).

Shares of the aerospace component manufacturer traded down as much as 11.8% this week, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence, and were down 6% for the week heading into the close on Friday, as a strong earnings report was offset by weak guidance about the quarters to come.

Triumph Group is one of the longest-running turnaround stories in the aerospace sector. The company's shares have lost about 80% of their value over the last decade and have remained mired near those lows since before the pandemic, hampered by unprofitable contracts and supply issues.

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Boeing Co. Stock

The price for the Boeing Co. stock decreased slightly today. Compared to yesterday there is a change of -€0.420 (-0.300%).
Currently there is a rather positive sentiment for Boeing Co. with 39 Buy predictions and 6 Sell predictions.
With a target price of 215 € there is a hugely positive potential of 52.79% for Boeing Co. compared to the current price of 140.72 €.
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