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What Is a Side Hustle?

What Is a Side Hustle?

It's a frightening statistic that nearly half of U.S. adults don't have the cash on hand to pay for a $400 emergency. That's what the Federal Reserve Board discovered when it surveyed a wide range of working Americans. Furthermore, according to a Pew study, more than 50% of households say they don't have enough savings on hand to cover a full month of expenses. And that's just playing with fire.

It's encouraging, then, to learn that 44 million Americans are taking steps to improve their financial picture by working a side hustle. A side hustle is a gig that allows you to make money in addition to your primary job. Popular side hustles today include waiting tables, bartending, dog walking, retail, telemarketing, selling products online, and consulting, but in reality, your side hustle can be pretty much anything you want it to be. In fact, if you have a particular talent or hobby that could help you start earning money, it pays to keep working at it. You never know what good ideas might take off, and if you're like the typical American, you can no doubt use the extra cash.


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