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What 4 Companies Highly Rated for Wellness Do Differently

This article originally appeared on, a website where women rate the female friendliness of their employers and get matched to companies that fit their needs.

There's a strong business case for introducing wellness initiatives at work. The results from Health Enhancement Research Organization's survey Exploring the Value Proposition for Workplace Health found that over 90% of business leaders observe a link between wellness programs and higher employee performance, higher productivity, and lower turnover. The survey also found that investing in a wellness initiative not only promotes a happier and more collaborative work environment, but it also can reduce overall healthcare costs incurred by a company.

Turns out, most companies understand this, or at least have begun to since that survey was completed. In fact, according to the RAND Corporation, more than 80% of companies in the United States with more than 50 employees offer a wide range of wellness benefits, such as gym subsidies, nutrition education, and vaccination clinics. When people are on the job hunt, these benefits are often a huge draw.

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