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Twitter's New Threaded Feature Is the Latest Subtle Effort to Undermine the Character Limit

Twitter's New Threaded Feature Is the Latest Subtle Effort to Undermine the Character Limit


That's been Twitter's (NYSE: TWTR) primary defense of its character limit over the years, even though the potential exists that removing the character limit could broaden the appeal of the service, which could in turn help Twitter's user metrics. Users have been able to come up with creative ways to bypass the character limit, including sharing an image of text and tweetstorms (threaded tweets). This latter practice has only grown in popularity, to the point where Twitter is now introducing a new official feature that makes it easier for users to compose threaded tweets.

The company is adding a new button that allows users to more easily create threaded tweets instead of having to manually thread tweets, which can sometimes lead to tweets being lost or hidden based on where each prong of the thread goes. The new thread feature makes it easier to consolidate all tweets so users don't miss anything. There will also be a "Show this thread" button to expand the entire thread.

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