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The Top 3 Ways Couples Hide Their Finances May Surprise You

When it comes to remaining faithful in a relationship, most people worry about their partner having an emotional or physical affair. But there's one type of infidelity many couples don't consider that can create problems in a relationship: financial infidelity.

Seventy-one percent of Americans have committed some type of financial infidelity in a relationship, according to a survey from The Ascent. Confusingly, though, 67% of survey respondents also say they've never committed any instance of financial infidelity.

The reason for this contradiction is that while most people have "cheated" on their partners financially, not everyone understands or agrees about what financial infidelity looks like. Some people may see this type of behavior as being perfectly normal in a relationship, when in fact it can be dangerous and lead to feelings of distrust and betrayal.

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