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The Must-Read Kevin McCarthy Quote on Social Security

While it took 15 votes and a days-long political battle, U.S. House Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) recently became Speaker of the House, which is one of the most powerful positions in all politics.

The title instantly put him in the spotlight when it came to the ongoing debt ceiling debate, in which lawmakers are headed for a showdown regarding whether to raise the maximum amount the U.S. is allowed to borrow to fund its obligations. Baked into this debate are discussions on spending cuts and whether they might impact several government-run programs, including Social Security. There are also questions of how these programs might be impacted if lawmakers fail to raise the debt ceiling.

Now essentially at the helm of the Republican Party, which controls a majority of the House, McCarthy has recently had to speak a lot about Social Security. Here's the must-read McCarthy quote as it relates to the program.

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