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Retirement Planning Basics: Start 2020 By Doing This

Until you hit your 50s, retirement seems like a far-off fantasy. Planning for something that's decades away almost feels foolish -- like you're putting money someplace you may never use it.

That's a risk, of course. You could save diligently through all your working years, sock away a big retirement nest egg, and then get hit by a bus on the way to your retirement party. It's possible you could get eaten by a bear at 40 or swarmed by killer bees in your 50s.

The reality is, though, that most Americans will make it to retirement age. Life expectancy in the U.S. in 2019 sits at 76 for men and 81 for women. Chances are, you will need to have money put away for retirement. And, even if you plan to never stop working, health problems may force your hand, so while planning for the future may seem a bit silly, it's really important.

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