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Prediction: These Will Be 3 of the Biggest Stocks by 2032

We're a couple of weeks removed from new-year celebrations. Now that 2022 is officially underway, it's time for investors to reset their focus to where the real wealth is built: the long term.

It's no secret that technology moves fast, and each decade seems to bring an even greater acceleration of progress than the last. It seems crazy, but the first Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone was released just 15 years ago, and now we're living in a world with artificial intelligence and the prospect of a virtual existence in the metaverse.

With innovation moving at that pace, most of us would struggle to imagine what life looks like 10 years from now. But if these three companies have anything to do with it, the future will be incredibly exciting. That's why I think they'll be three of the best stock performers between now and 2032.

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