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Not All Cryptocurrencies Crashed This Weekend

A rough week for stocks bled into a brutal weekend for crypto. Most of the leading digital currencies took a hit, but it was a different story for the stablecoins that lived up to their name in the cryptocurrency food chain.

USD Coin (CRYPTO: USDC) and Gemini Dollar (CRYPTO: GUSD) -- two centralized stablecoins that can be swapped 1-to-1 for U.S. dollars since they are backed by cold hard greenbacks -- never wavered from their $1 trading price. Other stablecoins including Tether (CRYPTO: USDT), TerraUSD (CRYPTO: UST), and Dai (CRYPTO: DAI) also barely fluctuated from their $1 price tags. Stablecoins passed the test, and thankfully for investors so did the ways to monetize these relatively steady cryptocurrency denominations.

Image source: Getty Images.

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