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How to Manage a Side Hustle Without Wrecking Your Sanity

How to Manage a Side Hustle Without Wrecking Your Sanity

Whether you're behind on emergency savings or are simply trying to round up some extra cash for a new purchase or vacation, you may be one of the 44 million Americans who currently work some sort of side hustle. Taking on a side gig can be a great way to generate extra income, especially if, despite your best efforts to trim your budget, your regular paycheck tends to fall short. In fact, of those who have a second job, 36% earn more than $500 a month in extra money as a result.

The problem with a side hustle, however, is that you may reach a point where you're pretty much working all the time. And that could affect not just your mental health, but your physical well-being as well.

Image source: Getty Images.

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