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How to Fight Burnout at Work

How to Fight Burnout at Work

No matter your profession, it's natural to reach a point where you're less content at work than you've been in the past. That dissatisfaction might come as a result of recent pressure and deadlines, or a string of conflicts with a boss or coworker. And while a temporary bout of on-the-job frustration is nothing to worry about, if you've reached the point of complete and utter burnout, you'll need to do something about it.

Contrary to what some folks might believe, burnout isn't just some buzzword invented by millennials to describe their job-related woes. Rather, it's an actual clinical term. Mayo Clinic defines burnout as "a state of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion, combined with doubts about your competence and the value of your work." And that sounds pretty serious.


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