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Here's Why Amazon Won't Let Third-Party Sellers Ship with FedEx Ground

FedEx (NYSE: FDX) fired the first shot in this skirmish back in August, when it cut its ties with Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). Call that move a preemptive breakup: The shipping company acted when it did to avoid letting the online retailer be the one to end the relationship.

Still, the official cutting of ties only meant that Amazon would no longer use FedEx. Third-party shippers in the Amazon Prime program could still opt to use the carrier as long as orders arrived in the time frame prescribed by Amazon.

Now that option, too, is being restricted -- at least for the moment. Amazon has banned third-party services from using FedEx Ground due to what it describes as concerns over performance. The ban will remain in place "until the delivery performance of these ship[ping] methods improves," the online retailer wrote in a memo to sellers that was published by The Wall Street Journal.

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