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Game Changer? Why Alphabet's AI Gemini Release Is Huge for Investors

Ever since the groundbreaking release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI) has been talked about nonstop in investing circles. ChatGPT is the large language model (LLM) generative AI brought to us by OpenAI, and its versatility is impressive.

Users can ask it questions in plain language (instead of using a search engine) and get a conversational answer. It can summarize text, draft emails, produce code, and more. And it is a big challenge to 's (NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOGL) dominance in the online search space. Just look at how rapidly interest has grown in generative AI recently:

Source: Statista.

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Alphabet Inc. A Stock

With only a change of €0.12 (0.070%) the Alphabet Inc. A price is nearly unchanged from yesterday.
The stock is an absolute favorite of our community with 85 Buy predictions and no Sell predictions.
As a result the target price of 177 € shows a slightly positive potential of 7.14% compared to the current price of 165.2 € for Alphabet Inc. A.
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