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"Dreaming Big & Being Bold": How Doing Things Differently Helped REI Succeed

"Dreaming Big & Being Bold": How Doing Things Differently Helped REI Succeed

If you work in retail, most of the time you can only dream of a day off on Black Friday to spend with friends and family exploring the outdoors. But at REI, unique perks like this are par for the course -- just one of the ways that REI does things differently.

In fact, it's in its organizational DNA. As a consumer co-operative, or co-op, REI is owned by its members. Additionally, it gives back a large portion of its profits every year back to employees, members and nonprofits advancing causes like sustainability and access to public lands -- nearly 70 percent in 2016. And as a group of nature lovers and outdoor adventurers, it's not rare to find employees conducting meetings while hiking or kayaking.

Image source: Getty Images.

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