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9 Credit Card Tips From Someone Who's Had 21 Cards

9 Credit Card Tips From Someone Who's Had 21 Cards

My relationship with credit cards has gone through its ups and downs ever since I applied for my first credit card at 19 years old. The honeymoon phase abruptly ended just months in as interest charges piled up after debt balances.

Fortunately, those days have long passed. I've learned several key things as my relationship with credit has become more fruitful, after nailing down an approach that helps me stay on budget while harvesting a ton of value from card rewards and credit card sign-up bonuses.

I've held 21 credit cards throughout that journey, and here are some key lessons and tips that I've learned along the way.

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Lendingtree Inc Stock

Heavy losses for Lendingtree Inc today as the stock fell by -€1.230 (-3.100%).

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