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5 Stocks to Invest in Virtual and Augmented Reality

Many tech companies consider virtual reality (VR) devices, which immerse users in digital worlds, and augmented reality (AR) devices, which digitally enhance our real-world surroundings, to be the next major computing platforms. However, many VR and AR products are still considered niche devices that are either too pricey or too cumbersome for mainstream users.

But that could all change over the next few years as more advanced chipmaking and display technologies hit the market. If that happens, the global AR and VR markets could grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 42.9% between 2020 and 2030, according to Research and Markets.

Those bullish estimates are impressive, but it can be tough to spot the top plays in these nascent markets when the products aren't flying off the shelves yet. So today we'll cut through the noise and identify five tech companies that will benefit from the secular growth of the AR and VR markets.

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