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4 Ways to Be a Better Team Player at Work

Succeeding at work doesn't just come down to completing assignments in a satisfactory manner and meeting deadlines. Often, it means adding value to your team by supporting your colleagues and collaborating with them to hit the goals your manager maps out.

In fact, being a strong team player is easier said than done, because it requires you to balance your own objectives and needs against the needs of your team on a whole. But if you're invested in being a better team player, here's how to pull it off.

Maybe your team is lacking a solid project manager, or someone to take charge of presentations. Even if that's not your natural strong suit, it pays to become the person who's willing to step up and fuel everyone's joint success. Not only will your teammates appreciate you more, but your boss is apt to feel similarly, and once that happens, the next raise or promotion could be yours.

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