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4 Tips for Older Job Seekers

4 Tips for Older Job Seekers

Navigating the job market can be tricky, regardless of what stage you're at in your career. But there's no question that older job seekers -- namely, those within five to 10 years of retirement -- have unique challenges to deal with.

Let's face it: Though age shouldn't, in theory, play a role in a company's hiring decision, the fact of the matter is that businesses often sink countless hours and money into onboarding new employees and bringing them up to speed. Unfair as it may seem, it's understandable that a company might naturally prefer to invest in a 45-year-old, who, conceivably, could stay put another 20 years, over a 62-year-old, who might be planning to retire within 36 months.

Image source: Getty Images.

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