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3 Ways to Retain Your Top Employees

3 Ways to Retain Your Top Employees

Think about the people you manage on a regular basis. They might all be smart and relatively diligent, but there are probably at least a couple of superstars who stand out from the pack. Those are the people you really want to keep around for the long haul, since they'll not only help your team but will quite possibly boost your own career, as well.

The problem, however, is that retaining good talent can be a challenge, especially when job-hopping is pretty much the norm these days. In fact, the average worker will hold 10 different jobs before reaching age 40, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additional research tells us that younger members of the workforce might have as many as 12 to 15 distinct jobs by the time they hit that age. If you have a number of key players on your team, here are a few ways to keep them on board.

Image source: Getty Images.

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