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3 Stocks to Buy That Should Get a Boost From Pandemic-Driven Consumer Weight Gain

Many people, at least in developed countries, have gained unwanted weight during the pandemic. This isn't surprising, given that stress and anxiety can cause overeating and cravings for so-called comfort foods, which tend to be fattening, and can also cause some people to drink more alcohol. Moreover, gyms and other places where many folks get exercise were temporarily closed.

About 42% of Americans experienced undesired weight gain during about the first year of the pandemic, with the average gain 29 pounds, according to the American Psychological Association's annual "Stress In America" report. In that report, Angela Fitch, associate director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Weight Center and VP of the Obesity Medicine Association, was quoted as saying the APA's findings are "alarming."

Of course, the numbers vary by source, but the exact numbers aren't that important. What's relevant is that a lot of people have gained undesired weight during the pandemic, with much of the weight gain substantial. 

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