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2 Cryptocurrencies to Grow Your Portfolio

Right now, cryptocurrencies may not seem like the best way to grow the value of your portfolio, but that's short-term thinking. Today, higher inflation and economic worries are pushing investors into the safest assets and away from higher risk areas like cryptocurrency. It's important to remember, though, that the current economic situation is temporary.

Cryptocurrencies still represent a significant opportunity for those who hold on for the long term. At the same time, crypto prices have dropped quite a bit, so right now is a great time to go bargain hunting for players that may grow your portfolio over time. Here are two of my favorites.

Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) is the world's second-biggest cryptocurrency by market value, so it's already a significant player. It's also a leader in decentralized applications (dApp) and non-fungible tokens (NFT). These are two key areas that could increase the use of blockchain networks over time.

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