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20 Things You Need to Know About the Latest Senate Republican Healthcare Bill

Who needs soap operas when we have Congress?

Earlier this week, Senate Republicans unveiled yet another version of their healthcare plan, dubbed the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), which is designed to repeal and replace Obamacare (officially called the Affordable Care Act). This marks the second version of the Senate's bill and the fourth incarnation overall of healthcare reform from the GOP since early March.

A repeal of Obamacare was expected to be easy considering that Republicans have control of the legislative branch of the government, but intraparty disagreement and public dislike for all versions of the newly proposed healthcare bills in the House and Senate have slowed any real progress to a crawl. Republicans have to find a way to satisfy more conservative members of their party who want to see Obamacare's regulations disappear, while also appeasing more moderate Republicans who fear their constituents will lose too much with the BCRA.

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