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11 Reasons to Buy Tesla and Never Sell

Forever is a very long time. The Dow Jones Industrial Average index had 20 members 100 years ago. All 20 fell off the index over the last century and all of the current Dow 30 members came in along the way. That might sound like a harsh evaluation of an index that's supposed to represent the best of the best, but that's just life -- times change and it's hard to keep up over a span of decades or centuries. Not even Warren Buffett hangs on to every stock until the end of time.

So, when I say that you should hold Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) shares forever, you should take that suggestion with a few sodium chloride crystals. What I mean is, it's a great idea to pick up some Tesla stock today and hold on for the foreseeable future. Here's why.

Image source: Getty Images.

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