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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m ▲ 1y YTD 3y 5y SE -8.590% -39.179% -77.973% 2400.000% 1153.846% - -
Jy Grandmark Holdings Ltd. -5.130% -38.095% -75.625% -85.000% -80.500% -93.790% -
Fidelity Minerals Corp. - -48.148% -74.074% -71.429% -75.000% -85.106% -
Ianthus Capital Holdings Inc. 44.440% -43.750% -72.727% -83.333% -70.000% -98.537% -
Katipult Technology Corp. - 0.000% -68.421% -95.161% -91.045% -97.674% -
Vaccibody As -6.030% -16.546% -58.581% -82.882% -76.786% -94.405% -
Preveceutical Medical Inc. 122.220% -55.000% -55.000% -70.000% -67.857% -67.391% -
Panther Minerals Inc. -6.310% -6.723% -52.155% - - - -
Douyu International Holdings L -10.000% -4.908% -50.637% - - - -
Huijing Holdings Company Ltd - -50.000% -50.000% -75.000% -75.000% -99.746% -
SOL Global Investments Corp. - -15.217% -45.070% -88.663% -70.677% -99.214% -
Plurilock Security Inc. 8.840% -12.602% -44.872% - - - -
Victory Battery Metals Corp. -22.030% -27.119% -43.421% - -79.277% - -
Cannovum Cannabis AG 0.510% -20.732% -40.184% - -46.281% - -
Blueberries Medical Corp. - -40.000% -40.000% -71.429% -57.143% -94.828% -
Exro Technologies Inc. -1.140% -15.720% -36.429% -85.571% -74.830% -88.531% -
Microport Cardioflow Medtech 17.190% 8.475% -36.000% -82.123% -78.231% -96.235% -
Nanosphere Health Sciences Inc - 0.000% -35.714% 3500.000% 800.000% -84.615% -
Remark Holdings Inc. 6.470% -0.585% -34.615% -83.810% -80.594% - -
Preos Real Estate AG - -33.333% -33.333% -99.650% -99.052% -99.939% -
Teco 2030 Asa 11.530% -10.526% -31.452% -84.432% -77.454% -85.950% -
Impro Precision Ind. Ltd. 1.100% -7.143% -31.061% -36.806% -27.200% -25.410% -
World Copper Ltd. 5.490% 3.448% -30.769% -51.299% -15.094% - -
Elastic N.v. 0.620% 2.085% -29.727% -8.949% -34.408% -50.000% -
Water Ways Technologies Inc. 11.760% -29.167% -29.167% -68.045% -67.308% -94.654% -