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18.09.24 / Stuttgart Stock Exchange WKN: A2LQ85 / Name: Preos Real Estate / Stock / ? /
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Preos Real Estate AG Stock

Pros and Cons of Preos Real Estate AG in the next few years

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Last updated at 2023-05-29

Preos Real Estate, a company operating in the real estate industry, has shown varying financial performance over the past few years. Although there are a few positive takeaways, the company appears to be grappling with challenges that have affected its income generation and profitability.

Solid total assets growth: Over the years, the company has increased its total assets, with a notable growth from €912,866,341 in 2019 to €694,429,171.84 in 2021. This suggests that the company has been making investments that could potentially lead to increased revenues in the future.

Strong stockholder equity: Preos Real Estate’s stockholder equity remains healthy, signifying that the company has a significant cushion against its liabilities. This may offer stability to investors and demonstrate an effective long-term capital strategy.


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