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19.09.24 / Stuttgart Stock Exchange WKN: A3DWAL / Name: Silver Elephant Mining / Stock / Coal / Micro Cap /
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Silver Elephant Mining Corp. Stock

Silver Elephant Mining Corp. dominated the market today, gaining €0.012 (4.440%).

Pros and Cons of Silver Elephant Mining Corp. in the next few years

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Last updated at 2023-04-15

Upon examining the financial statements of Silver Elephant Mining, it appears that the company has struggled with profitability and cash flow in recent years. The firm's earnings have consistently been negative, and this trend has persisted in recent quarters. However, the company is in the coal industry, which faces various challenges due to market volatility and growing concerns over environmental sustainability. As such, a deeper look into the details of Silver Elephant Mining's financials is required to ascertain the company's outlook fully.

Capital Stock Increase: Over the past three years, the capital stock of Silver Elephant Mining has been continuously increasing, which can indicate that investors are confident in the company's potential.

Decreasing Net Debt: The net debt of the company has significantly improved from -7,587,616 CAD at the end of 2020 to 3,018,314 CAD at the end of 2022, indicating the company's becoming less reliant on external financing.
