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08:01 / Tradegate WKN: A2E4MK / Name: Noratis / Stock / Small Cap /
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Noratis AG Stock

Noratis AG gained 2.860% today.

Pros and Cons of Noratis AG in the next few years

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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-04-18

The financials of the company Noratis with the US symbol from the industry present a mixed picture at first glance. On one hand, the company seems to be growing its assets and net income, while on the other hand, it might be facing some potential issues in managing its cash flow and working capital efficiently. To provide a detailed analysis, both the strengths and weaknesses of the company's financials will be discussed.

Growing Total Assets: Noratis has shown continuous growth in total assets over the years. The total assets have increased from €258.9 million in 2019 to €367.6 million in 2020 and further to €446.6 million in 2021. This indicates that the company is progressively accumulating resources, which is a positive sign for any business.

Increasing Net Income: The company has maintained a steady net income growth over the years. The net income has risen from €8.6 million in 2019 to €2.8 million in 2020 and further to €9.5 million in 2021. This suggests that the company is generating profits consistently and giving a positive outlook for investors.


EQS-Adhoc: Noratis AG: Acceptance of the offer of Merz Real Estate GmbH & Co KG dated 2 July 2024 regarding its further contribution obligation in the amount of up to EUR 16 million
EQS-Adhoc: Noratis AG: Acceptance of the offer of Merz Real Estate GmbH & Co KG dated 2 July 2024 regarding its further contribution obligation in the amount of up to EUR 16 million
EQS-Adhoc: Noratis AG: Acceptance of the offer of Merz Real Estate GmbH & Co KG dated 2 July 2024 regarding its further contribution obligation in the amount of up to EUR 16 million
EQS-News: Noratis AG explains portfolio development in view of the bondholders' meeting on 10 September 2024 and invites to investor call on 29 August 2024
EQS-News: Noratis AG explains portfolio development in view of the bondholders' meeting on 10 September 2024 and invites to investor call on 29 August 2024
EQS-News: Noratis AG explains portfolio development in view of the bondholders' meeting on 10 September 2024 and invites to investor call on 29 August 2024
EQS-Adhoc: Noratis AG: Devaluation of the property portfolio and corresponding value adjustments as well as preliminary result for the first half of 2024
EQS-Adhoc: Noratis AG: Devaluation of the property portfolio and corresponding value adjustments as well as preliminary result for the first half of 2024
EQS-Adhoc: Noratis AG: Devaluation of the property portfolio and corresponding value adjustments as well as preliminary result for the first half of 2024