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18.09.24 / Frankfurt WKN: A0KFKM / Name: Mixi / Stock / Software & IT Services / Micro Cap /
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Mixi Inc. Stock

Mixi Inc. gained 2.300% today.

Pros and Cons of Mixi Inc. in the next few years

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Performance of Mixi Inc. vs. its peers

Security Change(%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
Mixi Inc. 2.300% 1.136% 6.587% 18.667% 21.088% -15.238% -7.609%
Zigexn Co. Ltd. -0.570% 3.571% 8.075% -7.447% 8.075% 12.987% -26.660% Inc. -3.130% -1.274% 13.971% 55.000% 42.202% -45.804% -28.074%
Gree Inc. 1.480% 0.735% 1.481% -24.309% -22.599% -44.534% -32.362%

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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-11-24

Delving into the financials of Mixi, a contender in the vibrant Software & IT Services industry, one is greeted with a complex but telling story of their fiscal health and performance. At a glance, the metrics suggest a robust corporate framework, underscored by significant total assets and a commanding net working capital position.

Mixi's financial foundation appears solid when examining balance sheets from the past three fiscal years. Total assets have fluctuated slightly but remain in an enviable position, towering over total liabilities. Moreover, the cash reserves present a picture of liquidity that could embolden potential investors looking for financial stability. However, a deeper analysis is required to unearth the intricate details of Mixi's financial strengths and weaknesses.

Liquidity and Cash Reserves: An immediate standout is the substantial amount of cash and short-term investments, eclipsing the levels of short-term debt and providing Mixi with a liquidity comfort that few can claim. This cash abundance buffers the company against market volatility and unexpected downturns.