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20:02 / Tradegate WKN: KBX100 / Name: Knorr-Bremse / Stock / ? /
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Knorr-Bremse AG Stock

Knorr-Bremse AG shows a slight decrease today, losing -€0.500 (-0.670%) compared to yesterday.
Our community is currently high on Knorr-Bremse AG with 4 Buy predictions and 0 Sell predictions.
With a current price of 74.65 € Knorr-Bremse AG is right around the predicted target price of 75 €.
So far the community has only identified positive things for Knorr-Bremse AG stock. The most positive votes were given for criterium "Worthwhile Investment for the next years".

Pros and Cons of Knorr-Bremse AG in the next few years

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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-06-28

Drawing from the financial statements for the last three years, plus the first quarter of 2023, Knorr-Bremse presents itself as a resilient entity within its industry. There's an indication of consistent growth given by the rising trends in total assets from 7389.965 million EUR in 2020 to 8088.814 million EUR in optimistically Q1 2023. The financial health of the company is further exemplified by the impressive increase in total stockholder equity.

Clearly, the company has a strong cash position, as reflected by its cash and cash equivalents. Moreover, it has experienced a notable increase in net receivables over the years. This is an indication of successful sales on credit and efficient collection processes.

Also commendable is the exponential increase in retained earnings. By retaining more profits within the business, the company avoids dividend payouts, hence retaining more funds for internal growth financing.


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