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Better High-Yield Dividend Stock: Altria or Viatris?:
Better High-Yield Dividend Stock: Altria or Viatris?

If you are looking for a high-yield dividend stock to boost your income, you might be interested in Altria (NYSE: MO) or Viatris (NASDAQ: VTRS). Both companies offer attractive dividend yields of

3 Reasons to Buy Viatris Stock, and 1 Reason to Sell:
3 Reasons to Buy Viatris Stock, and 1 Reason to Sell

Buying shares of a generic drug manufacturer like Viatris (NASDAQ: VTRS) isn't the right move for everyone. While most investors would look for such companies to have a long history of bulletproof

Wall Street Thinks Viatris Stock Will Rise 25% -- Could It Grow Even More?:
Wall Street Thinks Viatris Stock Will Rise 25% -- Could It Grow Even More?

For a generic drugmaker like Viatris (NASDAQ: VTRS), big spurts of growth are unlikely. The market for low-cost generic medications is competitive, and success is largely defined by maintaining

These 2 Dividend Stocks Yield 5% -- and They Aren't Risky Buys:
These 2 Dividend Stocks Yield 5% -- and They Aren't Risky Buys

You can secure a 5% dividend yield without being too risky or aggressive. Sometimes, it's a matter of jumping on a good opportunity when it arises. A stock can fall in value for various reasons

It's Cheap and Pays a Big Dividend, But Is Viatris Stock a Buy?:
It's Cheap and Pays a Big Dividend, But Is Viatris Stock a Buy?

Companies that produce generic drugs aren't known for being exciting investments, and there's little chance they'll ever expand as fast as your average tech stock or most other growth stocks. If

Mylan Aktie: Positive Aussichten!
Mylan Aktie: Positive Aussichten!
Fundamental: Das KGV (Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis) beträgt aktuell 4,35 und liegt mit 92 Prozent unter dem Branchendurchschnitt (Branche: Arzneimittel) von 53,03. Die Aktie ist damit aus heutiger....
Mylan Aktie: Mit so guten Zahlen hat keiner gerechnet!
Mylan Aktie: Mit so guten Zahlen hat keiner gerechnet!
Branchenvergleich Aktienkurs: Die Aktie hat im vergangenen Jahr eine Rendite von -42,35 Prozent erzielt. Im Vergleich zu Aktien aus dem gleichen Sektor („Gesundheitspflege“) liegt Mylan damit....