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News und Analysen

Voltalia SA: the Taconnaz (4.5MW) hydropower plant has produced its first kilowatt hours: water from the Mont-Blanc is used to fight global warming
Voltalia SA: the Taconnaz (4.5MW) hydropower plant has produced its first kilowatt hours: water from the Mont-Blanc is used to fight global warming
Voltalia SA: the Taconnaz (4.5MW) hydropower plant has produced its first kilowatt hours: water from the Mont-Blanc is used to fight global warming
Voltalia SA: broad employee support for Voltalia's first employee share ownership plan, with a participation rate of 69.5%
Voltalia SA: broad employee support for Voltalia's first employee share ownership plan, with a participation rate of 69.5%
Voltalia SA: broad employee support for Voltalia's first employee share ownership plan, with a participation rate of 69.5%
Voltalia SA: Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of September 30, 2019
Voltalia SA: Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of September 30, 2019
Voltalia SA: Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of September 30, 2019
Voltalia SA: Voltalia's Board of Directors appoints two independent censors to support its development
Voltalia SA: Voltalia's Board of Directors appoints two independent censors to support its development
Voltalia SA: Voltalia's Board of Directors appoints two independent censors to support its development
Voltalia SA: Growth rebound in Q3 2019 (+88% vs Q2 2019 and +3% vs Q3 2018) with strong contribution of Services
Voltalia SA: Growth rebound in Q3 2019 (+88% vs Q2 2019 and +3% vs Q3 2018) with strong contribution of Services
Voltalia SA: Growth rebound in Q3 2019 (+88% vs Q2 2019 and +3% vs Q3 2018) with strong contribution of Services
Voltalia wins new projects in Brazil for a total of 48 megawatts, including the first solar plants in its Serra Branca cluster of projects
Voltalia wins new projects in Brazil for a total of 48 megawatts, including the first solar plants in its Serra Branca cluster of projects
Voltalia wins new projects in Brazil for a total of 48 megawatts, including the first solar plants in its Serra Branca cluster of projects
Voltalia confirms its status of responsible company and progresses within the Gaïa-Index
Voltalia confirms its status of responsible company and progresses within the Gaïa-Index
Voltalia confirms its status of responsible company and progresses within the Gaïa-Index
Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts) and Voltalia inaugurate the solar-plus-storage power plant of Savane des Pères and celebrate 10 years of partnership in French Guiana
Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts) and Voltalia inaugurate the solar-plus-storage power plant of Savane des Pères and celebrate 10 years of partnership in French Guiana
Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts) and Voltalia inaugurate the solar-plus-storage power plant of Savane des Pères and celebrate 10 years of partnership in French Guiana
Production has started at the Egyptian site of Râ Solar, Voltalia's first plant on the African continent
Production has started at the Egyptian site of Râ Solar, Voltalia's first plant on the African continent
Production has started at the Egyptian site of Râ Solar, Voltalia's first plant on the African continent
Dr. Reuter Investor Relations - Anlageklasse Wasser: Fünf Aktien, die Anleger auf dem Radar haben sollten:
Dr. Reuter Investor Relations - Anlageklasse Wasser: Fünf Aktien, die Anleger auf dem Radar haben sollten

Wasser ist die essenzielle Ressource allen Lebens und ein kostbares Wirtschaftsgut. Zu kostbar, um es zu verschwenden. Der Markt für eine nachhaltige und effiziente Wasserwirtschaft ist

Engie Aktie: So greift Sie jetzt nach den Sternen
Engie Aktie: So greift Sie jetzt nach den Sternen
Dividende: Engie schüttet gegenüber dem Durchschnitt der Branche Multi-Dienstprogramme auf Basis der aktuellen Kurse eine Dividendenrendite von 5,65 % und somit 2,12 Prozentpunkte mehr als die im....
Gute Nachrichten bei Engie!
Gute Nachrichten bei Engie!
Sentiment und Buzz: Zu den weichen Faktoren bei der Einschätzung einer Aktie zählt auch die langfristige Beobachtung der Kommunikation im Netz. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt hat die Aktie von Engie....