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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w ▼ 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
Katipult Technology Corp. - 500.000% -68.421% -95.588% -91.045% -97.674% -
Elixinol Global Ltd. - 100.000% 300.000% 300.000% -42.857% -95.652% -
Microport Cardioflow Medtech -47.110% 98.361% 21.000% -65.429% -58.844% -92.882% -
Altai Resources - 51.852% 60.784% 17.143% 46.429% 22.388% 7.330%
Global Li-ion Graphite Corp. - 50.000% 5.000% -25.000% -30.000% -78.745% -
Appen Ltd. -0.870% 40.332% 75.800% -7.816% 107.235% -87.145% -
Allego N.v. 0.820% 40.138% 91.038% 47.810% 99.507% - -
Bicycle Therapeutics Ltd. 0.810% 30.159% 16.038% 23.000% 49.091% -27.647% -
Terns Pharmaceuticals Inc. 23.640% 27.907% 36.364% 58.654% 35.468% -14.063% -
Pasofino Gold Ltd. 7.730% 25.694% 12.422% 47.154% 26.573% -44.308% -
Gitlab Inc. 3.910% 25.616% 33.508% - - - -
Spacefy Inc. - 25.000% 42.857% 66.667% 11.111% -78.723% -
American Pacific Mining Corp. -7.190% 23.704% 3.727% -43.581% -48.297% -84.480% -
Inspire Medical Systems Inc. -1.540% 20.137% 8.839% -8.238% 4.162% -3.842% -
Tearlach Resources Ltd. 33.580% 17.094% 16.102% -79.764% -70.217% - -
Centogene N.v. 0.210% 15.928% -27.355% -78.100% -80.926% -97.807% -
Dingdong (cayman) Ltd. -1.770% 13.568% 42.138% 45.806% 66.176% - -
Avicanna Inc. -15.280% 13.386% 39.806% 10.769% 20.000% -60.816% -
Polestar Automotive Holding Uk 3.500% 13.043% 132.899% -45.211% -33.796% - -
Vinfast Auto Pte. Ltd -0.590% 11.951% 4.326% -77.694% -54.535% - -
Oxford Nanopore Technologies 0.720% 11.898% 18.892% -34.609% -30.683% - -
Lilium N.v. 2.980% 11.860% -1.006% -26.716% -39.921% - -
Qmines Ltd. 1.160% 11.688% 59.259% -41.096% -2.273% -79.524% -
Shurgard Self Storage Ltd. 1.080% 10.797% 15.550% 3.618% -4.244% - -
Personalis Inc 6.140% 10.605% 75.218% 271.357% 151.202% -71.417% -