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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y ▼
Wanguo International Mining Group Ltd -2.360% 3.063% 9.947% 377.679% 377.679% 377.679% 497.765%
China Molybdenum H 6.050% 11.006% 25.999% 51.540% 81.885% 67.715% 204.005%
Lingbao Gold Co. -3.510% -2.841% 6.875% 163.077% 107.273% 284.270% 142.553%
CPMC Holdings Ltd. 0.630% 0.637% -2.469% 12.857% 3.947% 80.365% 133.728%
Xinjiang Xinxin Mining Industry Co Ltd 4.720% 19.101% 30.864% 12.766% 30.864% -32.484% 90.991%
Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Co Ltd -1.720% 31.564% 34.106% -53.108% -21.136% -30.600% 75.164%
Zhaojin Mining Industry Co. Ltd. -5.330% 9.032% 19.858% 35.200% 50.893% 181.667% 62.500%
China Sanjiang Fine Chemicals Co Ltd -2.590% 18.405% 9.040% 77.064% 51.969% -33.904% 31.293%
China Rare Earth Holdings Ltd 7.880% 47.619% 56.962% 6.897% 28.165% -45.011% -7.116%
West China Cement 1.670% 17.647% 34.831% 71.429% 55.844% -18.919% -12.409%
Tiangong International Co Ltd -7.200% 23.762% 36.612% -16.107% -5.303% -49.187% -17.763%
Greatview Aseptic Packaging Co. Ltd. 0.720% 2.222% 0.000% 20.000% 38.000% -10.968% -37.557%
Shandong Chenming Paper H -6.540% 26.627% 25.882% -13.008% 0.943% -54.661% -39.888%
Da Ming International Regs 3.820% 18.018% 8.264% -55.743% -50.000% -82.580% -65.344%
China Silver Group Ltd -4.170% 18.033% 28.571% 50.000% 227.273% -35.135% -67.273%
Asia Cement China Holdings Corp. -5.930% 6.299% 32.353% -1.460% 11.570% -59.701% -74.766%