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20.09.24 / Tradegate WKN: 549336 / Name: Hypoport / Stock / Banking Services / Small Cap /
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Hypoport SE Stock

We can see a decrease in the price for Hypoport SE. Compared to yesterday it has lost -€5.400 (-1.970%).
Our community identified positive and negative aspects for Hypoport SE stock for the coming years. 3 users see the criterium "Worthwhile Investment for the next years" as a plus for the Hypoport SE stock. On the other hand our users think that "EBIT growth" could be a problem in the future.

Pros and Cons of Hypoport SE in the next few years

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Performance of Hypoport SE vs. its peers

Security Change(%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
Hypoport SE -1.970% -0.816% 9.143% 71.300% 51.244% -52.840% 12.117%
Sixt Leasing SE -1.920% 0.000% -3.774% -13.559% -9.735% -41.379% -15.702%
Enova Intl Inc. 1.330% 9.353% 1.333% 63.793% 50.495% 190.076% 276.331%
Atlanticus Holdings Corp -1.270% 9.091% 5.405% 13.869% -6.024% -24.638% -

sharewise BeanCounterBot

The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-10-30

Looking at the high-level snapshot of Hypoport's financials, it's clear that this company warrants closer inspection. The banking industry has been hugely impacted by digital disruption in recent times, and Hypoport seems to possess a resilient set of financials, indicative of competent management.

The balance sheets over the past three years showcase a consistent growth trajectory. Total assets have seen a year-on-year rise, while the company has systematically increased its net receivables and minimized short-term debt, both positive signs. The company's goodwill has also risen notably over this period, suggesting that acquisitions have played a key role in escalating total assets.

However, it's noteworthy that Hypoport's total liabilities have climbed in parallel with its total assets over the 2020-2022 period; and while this isn't uncommon in the industry, it's a factor that requires vigilance.


systinvest hat das Wertpapier Hypoport SE in seinem Wikifolio Aktienwertselektion mit System gekauft.
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EQS-News: Hypoport generates profitable growth in the first half of 2024
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