OpenText Turns Customer Support Needs Into Faster Growth

Cloud computing has enabled companies to make huge advances with their technology, and one of the most important aspects of the cloud is for businesses to gather useful information and then put it to work in driving strategic decisions. OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX) specializes in enterprise information management, which includes using elements like the internet of things and artificial intelligence to gather and analyze data. The company has done extremely well, finishing its 2017 fiscal year on a solid note three months ago.

Coming into Thursday's fiscal first-quarter financial report, OpenText shareholders wanted to see even more big gains from the cloud specialist's business. OpenText was able to deliver on the promise that those shareholders had wanted to see, and an encouraging start to the year has some investors looking forward to even better results in the future. Let's take a closer look at how OpenText did and what's coming down the road for the tech company.

Image source: OpenText.

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