The US Most Popular Employee ‘Work Perks’

New survey conducted by Remote to 2,000 US workers reveals the most desirable work perks companies should be paying attention to.

Overtime pay (79.3%), private health insurance (77.3%) and flexible working hours (77.0%) rank as the most popular employee ‘work perks’ in the US Real-world team building is valued the most by 25-34 year olds Expert explains how providing employee “work perks” can boost staff productivity

July 2022: A new study by Remote has surveyed 2,000 full time employees in the US to reveal what employees value the most when it comes to ‘work perks’, and how these differ across locations, industries and generations.

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With the labour market currently leaning in favour of employees, a company's ability to attract and retain the right talent has never been more important. When sifting through hundreds of job adverts, a company's perks can be pivotal in an individual's decision to apply for a role. But whether it's flexible working hours or a secure retirement scheme, what are the most desirable ‘work perks’?

Four In Five Americans Agree Overtime Pay Is Their Most Desired Work Perk

With the cost of living on the rise it is no surprise that overtime pay (79.3%) topped the list of US citizens' more desired “work perk”. Private health insurance (77.3%) and flexible working hours (77.0%) followed in second and third place as some of the most popular employee benefits in the US.

Healthcare and wellbeing was a key theme reflected throughout the survey results as company-sponsored retirement plan or pension (76.4%) and family health insurance (75.0%) also ranked in the five most desired ‘work perks’.

Rank Perk Percentage  1 Overtime pay 79.3% 2 Private health insurance 77.3% 3 Flexible working hours 77.0% 4 Company-sponsored retirement plan or pension 76.4% 5 Family health insurance 75.0% 6 Private dental insurance 74.8% 7 Private vision insurance 71.8% 8 Healthcare cost reimbursements 68.9% 9 Private life insurance 67.1% 10 Paid self-care days or time off for mental health 65.1%

Gen Zs And Millennials Value Face-To-Face Team Building More Than Any Other Generation

The survey also explored the opinions of the US-based employees, to uncover what individuals across different generations and industries value the most when it comes to ‘work perks’.

Continuing to uphold the tradition of in-person work events was a key priority amongst both Gen Zs and Millennials, as they were the generations which value in-person team-building events most (52.2%/55.1%). Well-being and mental health were also highly valued by these generations as they also favoured access to mental health coaching the most (53.6%/61.9%).

Baby boomers' priorities were slightly different, with company-sponsored retirement plans (83.5%) topping their list as the most desired ‘work perk’.

Those Who Work In IT And Telecommunications Favour Private Health Insurance More Than Any Other Sector

Generation was not the only factor in an individual’s most desired ‘work perk’, industry was also found to play a significant role. Individuals who work in IT & telecoms (82.2%) and manufacturing & utilities (80.1%) were found to value company-sponsored retirement plans or pensions the most, compared to those in HR who favoured a 4-day working week  (75.0%).

Those under significant stress and pressure in the HR sector prioritised access to online therapy and mental health support more than any other industry (69.4%). HR workers were also found to desire access to virtual yoga or mindfulness sessions more than any other sector (52.8%).

Higher Levels Of Productivity Are Among The Benefits Employers Reap From Providing 'Work Perks'

Psychotherapist Sarah Lee offers exclusive insight on the relationship between employee benefits and staff productivity, stating:

“Given the increased interest in mental health in recent years, I believe that employees are becoming more aware of the connections between work and their wellbeing. 

“Employee benefits such as flexible working can be another way to value employees or to be more inclusive. It demonstrates an understanding that not everyone has the same commitments or priorities. 

“Individuals who feel valued, respected, and who have the flexibility to take care of themselves are better able to focus on work and if they feel good about themselves are more productive. In situations with poor working conditions, morale is often low and people can end up feeling helpless and depressed or demotivated.”

Updated on Jul 20, 2022, 2:18 pm

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