NYT Labels Horses As Elon Musk’s Office Amenities – Statement

Statement by Animal Wellness Action’s Executive Director Marty Irby on New York Times Story Labeling Wild Horses as Elon Musk’s Office Amenities

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Wild Horses: Elon Musk's Office Amenities

Yesterday, the New York Times ran a rather strange story regarding Elon Musk’s use of our iconic American wild horses to lure in new employees: The Next Level in Office Amenities: Wild Horses.

This comes on the heels of a letter our organization along with more than 70 others sent Friday to the newly confirmed U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, a longtime champion of wild horse protection during her time in Congress. Animal Wellness Action has been one of the primary organizations leading the charge for the past several years to stop the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) ongoing mass helicopter roundup of wild horses and burros on federal lands and secured House passage of an $11 million wild horse protection amendment last Summer. But the provision didn’t make it into the year-end FY21 spending package and the wild horses continue to face tremendous danger due to ranchers and cattlemen who’d love to see them eradicated so the land they reside on can be used to raise beef cattle and line their pockets. ABC News Live’s Ginger Zee interviewed me on the issue last year, and the video can be found here.

Here’s our statement on the New York Times story and current state of affairs that can be attributed to Marty Irby, executive director at Animal Wellness Action, who was recently honored by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II for working to protect the horses:

“Our iconic American wild horses continue to face eradication by the Bureau of Land Management just to line the pockets of ranchers and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. We challenge longtime environmentalists like Elon Musk to use their voice and help protect the wild horses or there will soon be none to gaze at from Tesla’s ivory tower. President Biden and Secretary Haaland should immediately halt the roundups, freeze cattle grazing permits, and direct the BLM and base decisions on science over political circumstance.”

The post NYT Labels Horses As Elon Musk’s Office Amenities – Statement appeared first on ValueWalk.

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