Illinois State Treasurer And Coca-Cola Call For Increased Corporate Water Action

As COP26 nears, Illinois State Treasurer, Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO) to hold media briefing to call for increased corporate water action 

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A Call For Increased Corporate Water Action

BOSTON -  Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs and Coca-Cola’s Michael Goltzman will join Ceres water experts for a virtual media briefing on Oct. 27 to call for increased corporate water action and preview a new report that shows most food companies are not taking the necessary action to protect water resources and prepare for a more water-stressed world.

Feeding Ourselves Thirsty, which is a Ceres’ benchmark analysis of 38 food companies, found some signs of progress on corporate water management and disclosure, but that much more work needs to be done by companies to help ensure sustainable water supplies.

The report, to be published ahead of COP26, shines a light on the crisis of water management as a blind spot in international sustainability governance. Climate change impacts are first felt on the ground through reduced water availability and poor water quality. This is placing unprecedented strain on water resources and agricultural productivity, hampering the growth of the $6 trillion global food sector.

Speakers will call on companies to move quickly to change how they value water, and better manage and disclose water risks in their operations and global supply chains. Such actions will ensure the continuity of food production in a changing climate, while improving companies’ long-term profitability and return value to investors.

Water risks are increasing investor concerns, as companies face market, financial and reputational impacts, and lose out on market opportunities, for failing to take the appropriate action.

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