Can GM Steal Ford's Secret Weapon?

They say imitation is "the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness," and that might be playing out between Detroit's two largest automakers right now. General Motors (NYSE: GM) has seen the success of Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) in one specific aspect, but can it copy that?

A decade ago, investors almost viewed an automaker's fleet and commercial business as dirty work. This segment was seen as a way to sell unwanted cars at marked-down prices to fleets of rental companies and the like, often at little to no margin. But now, if you take a look at the figures, Ford's commercial business is honestly eye-opening.

Let's quickly compare Ford's traditional business, Ford Blue, and its commercial business, Ford Pro. You might think Ford's traditional business would dwarf its sister business, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

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