CTC Update: Manchin’s Opposition May Mean End of Coronavirus Stimulus Check

In the absence of any fourth federal stimulus check, the extended monthly child tax credit provided much needed relief to families. This monthly child tax credit ended this month, but President Joe Biden wants to extend this CTC payment for at least one more year. However, opposition from Senator Joe Manchin may mean the end of this coronavirus stimulus check.

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Manchin’s Opposition Means End Of Coronavirus Stimulus Check?

Biden extended the child tax credit program earlier this year under the American Rescue Plan. The extended program offered up to $300 per month to families with kids below six years, and those with kids ages six to 17 years got up to $250 per month.

Also, under the extended plan, eligible families got half the credit in six monthly installments (from July to December), while the other half they will get at the time of filing their tax return next year.

Biden wants to renew this program as part of his Build Back Better legislation, but the opposition from Manchin, a Democrat representing West Virginia, could make it impossible to win approval for this program, or we could say, the end of this coronavirus stimulus check.

On Sunday, Manchin voiced his opposition to Biden’s Build Back Better legislation.

"If I can't go home and explain it to the people of West Virginia, I can't vote for it," Manchin said on Fox News. "And I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation."

While explaining his stance on the Build Back Better legislation, Manchin raised concerns over rapid inflation, which has now hit an almost four-decade high.

Why Does Manchin’s Vote Matter?

In a split senate, Democrats need the vote of all their members in the chamber to pass the Build Back Better legislation. Without these votes, it is almost impossible for Democrats to win approval for the Build Back Better plan, with Senate Republicans firmly against it.

Biden was hoping to get approval for the plan in January and start sending the payment to eligible households in February. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had a similar statement on it while speaking to reporters on Friday.

"If we get it done in January, we've talked to Treasury officials and others about doing double payments in February as an option," Psaki said. "But the president wants to see this move forward, it's a priority for him as soon as Congress returns."

It is not the first time Manchin has voiced his concern over the cost of the stimulus packages. Initially, Manchin opposed the high price tag of the bill, forcing Democratic leaders to reduce the cost of the proposal, and has since continued to raise concerns over the potential impact of the bill on inflation, as well as key climate change provisions.

Several advocacy groups, however, believe that many families immensely need these stimulus payments.

“There is no state that’s more impacted by the CTC,” West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy’s executive director, Kelly Allen said. “West Virginia, frankly, wasn’t doing great before the pandemic. So this is absolutely needed now and in the long term.”

Updated on Dec 20, 2021, 9:50 am

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