American Institutions Panic After Realizing Chinese Property Is Located In China

Following Evergrande Property Services Group Ltd (HKG:6666) default unease, American Institutions have been reportedly panicking after realizing the Chinese property they have invested in is in fact, in China.

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Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

Institutions Realize Chinese Property Is Located In China

“We’re screwed.” one anonymous Barclays’ analyst said. “We just thought anything with China was just some hot tech stock, but it turns out the real estate we are invested in, is literal Chinese soil.” the analyst added.

Goldman Sachs has taken a public opposition to Chinese property investing following the realization. Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon tweeted out “GS will not be buying any more commie dirt. From here on out after the tragic truth has been revealed, GS will be short Chinese property management as an act of patriotism.”

This post first appeared on The Stonk Market

Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

Updated on Oct 7, 2021, 2:28 pm

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