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Finance Club UoΜ


The Finance Club of University of Macedonia  - is an independent non-profitable student organization founded by students of the University of Macedonia, Greece (UoM - that aims to build strong relations between the market and the University. Though based in the University of Macedonia, it also operates via associates in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and other institutions. The Club’s goal is to give its members the chance to view the market in a more practical approach rather than solely relying on the abstract knowledge offered by the university. In order to achieve this goal, the Club organizes various events like conferences, workshops and seminars. Moreover, its members are able to cooperate with companies by taking up real case projects to work on along with the managers of the associated companies. In addition, the Club is trying to build and expand its network among students, market professionals and professors therefore giving its members a very broad pool of potential partners and employers. 


20 Einschätzungen mit mehr als 20% Rendite
Finance Club UoΜ
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VISA - Technical Analysis
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Medtronic - Fundamental Analysis
Medtronic - Fundamental Analysis
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Medtronic - Technical Analysis
Medtronic - Technical Analysis
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sharewise Introduction:
sharewise Introduction
This is a course about the functionalities of sharewise. You will learn about the basics and how to best use the platform.
sharewise advanced features:
sharewise advanced features
You learn how to find  the latest news and find great financial information about your stocks.
Also you get more information about our Pro and Cons feature, where we bring the wisdom of crowds to a new level.

For discussing with your friends and managing your investment clubs we will show you how to create your own stock debates.#