iBrave VS BlueHost, Hostgator, Siteground and Godaddy: Best Web Hosting Review

More than ever before, website hosting solutions and services are significant for businesses globally. Poor website functionality can lead to loss of customers because of bad user experiences.

In a market that has expanded rapidly since its humble beginnings, web hosting statistics show continued exponential growth. With more than 1.2 billion hostnames registered as of July 2021, the web hosting industry market size is expected to reach $171.4 billion by 2027 compared to the $56.7 billion it was worth in 2019. Projections say that the industry will have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5% between 2020 and 2027.

Web Hosting Needs

Whether your website needs are for a personal portfolio, small online retail store, affiliate marketing, or marketing services, it is vital for promoting your business and keeping those revenues flowing in. Not only does it need to engage with your current clients, but needs to constantly reach new ones.

A good hosting company ensures your website is safe by offering SSL (Secure Socket Layers), has faster web page and website loading times, regular backups, no disruptions from downtimes, improved SEO, and excellent customer support. By providing your business with more solutions than problems, you know that your website will continue working wonders for your business.

Comparing the Best Web Hosting Providers

Any review of web hosting providers will inevitably have all the big names in the industry. This is because the services they offer are consistent with the demands of the market, scalable, and meet the pricing needs of even the smallest business.

1.      iBrave

With a range of services and over 80 software and web apps like Magento, Joomla, and WordPress, iBrave has quickly positioned itself as the #1 web hosting option in the market. Here anyone, from the creator of a hobby blog to someone building an online business empire, has access to a range of superb hosting services that are on par with others on the market.  

Designed by industry experts, the powerful hosting platform offers SSD storage on all its servers and a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%, ensuring maximum reliability, speed and security. Additionally, they offer Content Delivery Network (CDN), load-balanced hosting, and ticket support from a team of experts.

The iBrave Hosting control panel is user-friendly, fast, and elegant, yet it has all the advanced features required by more advanced users. Unlimited websites, bandwidth and custom email addresses, free antivirus, and antispam protection are also included with all the other great features. Every website meets the metrics of ensuring complete Core Web Vitals.

Designed to scale with your business growth, there are several iBrave Hosting Plans to choose from. Decide which one is best for you and you can purchase a one-time fee lifetime access at an extremely competitive price, eliminating hosting fees forever.


With a range of web hosting options that can help you get started, Bluehost offers cheap web hosting for everything from WordPress hosting, websites, online shops, and website builder tools. Plans are easy to upgrade, ensuring that you never need to move your website as you move from shared hosting to VPS or even a dedicated server.

Other features include an anti-spam solution built into the cPanel, integrated Cloudflare support, and several security features like IPS, SSL and SiteLock. Uptime is good and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

With unmetered bandwidth, global CDN, regular backups, and SSL certificates, this is another reliable hosting platform that offers scalability, security, and speed.


Whether you need WordPress hosting, shared hosting, or dedicated web hosting, another web hosting service that is feature-rich is HostGator. Even with their basic shared hosting plans, expect to get unlimited storage, bandwidth, and a free SSL certificate. You also get a free domain for the first year.

Expect to pay extra for services like security and backups, but they have a solid average uptime, and one free website and cPanel migration. QuickInstall makes it easy to install apps and content management systems (CMSs).  


SiteGround recently stopped using the cPanel and introduced Site Tools and its SiteGround’s App Manager that supports 18 CMS installations (including the popular WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla). If the one you want isn’t there, you can install it manually.

Its uptime performance and above-average load times remain good, as does its customer support experience. There is a free WordPress migration plugin with a good walkthrough to getting it done and it has features that meet the needs of both beginners and advanced website builders.

You get free SSL certificates and Cloudflare CDN on all plans, ensuring the protection required by Google, faster loading times, and quick access to all your files for your website visitors.


GoDaddy is not only a web hosting provider but one of the most popular domain name sellers globally. There are several hosting plans to choose from with free domain and unmetered bandwidth, but you won’t get an SSL certificate on their cheapest plan.

An effective web dashboard allows you to set up or manage everything in the cPanel, making it very simple to use. Their WordPress starter templates allow you to easily install one of their industry themes. Once you have set up your website, expect good uptimes, response times, and support.

Google Website Hosting

As part of the Google Cloud Platform, there are several tiers you can choose on the Google Web Hosting Platform. It is WordPresscompatible but doesn’t offer support. Pricing is set on a pay-as-you-use format. Here you will find several features, but they are not particularly geared toward web hosting. These include searching and comparing a domain before registering it and a free email address. Additionally, there is privacy protection, Domain Name System (DNS) security, and domain forwarding in case you want to move your website.

There are 100 click-to-deploy options for faster deployment of services like WordPress or Google Firebase to the cloud.  Advanced features offered include smart analytics options for maximizing your traffic and other AI tools.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud service provider that is cost-effective and adaptable, allowing your business to scale as it needs. The AWS Management Console gives you access to several applications and services, depending on your business needs, whether it’s a reliable CDN or other serious IT needs.

Cloud computing offers unlimited space and reliable security. You can easily migrate to AWS and the virtual ecosystem lets you load any software or service required. Services are billed as used, making this a flexible and affordable option.

Final Thoughts

There are several relevant points that you need to consider in any review before choosing the best web host for your site. Besides available storage, loading speeds, and security, price is also important. You need to be assured that your website meets the core web vitals and has access to global CDN, ensuring it stands out to search engines and your valued customers. 

Updated on Dec 17, 2021, 9:29 am

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