Wix.com, Up Over 65% in 2019, Is Still a Buy

Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN) recently received some criticism from the White House for damaging the retail industry. There is a debatable position for and against that view, but the Amazon retail platform isn't without its fair share of upstart competitors anymore.

A number of e-commerce sites have popped up in response, putting power back into the hands of small businesses and entrepreneurs with powerful digital tools to rival what Amazon can do with its vast scale and resources.

A company helping to create and manage those e-commerce sites is Wix.com (NASDAQ: WIX). Internet users have been flocking to the company's cloud-based website development suite and related services since it started in 2006, and the company has shown solid growth for years. The second quarter of 2019 was no exception, and new product launches are only just beginning to yield more positive results.

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