With Its 9% Dividend, Tanger Factory Outlet Stock Is a Steal

Tanger Factory Outlet Centers (NYSE: SKT) may have exceeded expectations with its latest quarterly update in late October -- demonstrating the continued viability of the outlet-center retail channel it fosters in the process -- but that didn't stop shares of the real estate investment trust (REIT) from continuing to slide lower over the past several weeks.

If that drop wasn't enough to pique investors' interest, however, perhaps the fact that Tanger now boasts an incredible 9.2% dividend yield as of this writing will be enough to gain their attention.

To be clear, all too often an abnormally high dividend is a sign of underlying trouble for any given business. But while the market is rightly concerned about the impact of retailer bankruptcies on Tanger's chosen model, it's worth exploring whether the company remains well positioned to weather these headwinds and emerge stronger in the end. So now's a great time to take a closer look at what Tanger has accomplished over the past few months to see whether there are any big red flags. 

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Source Fool.com