Will Disney World Save the NBA, or Is It the Other Way Around?

The 2019-2020 NBA season has remained in limbo since the league suspended its schedule in mid-March. One solution that has been gaining steam in recent weeks is to conclude the regular season -- and the playoffs -- at a neutral site with all of the players and staff quarantining together. Las Vegas and Disney's (NYSE: DIS) Wide World of Sports complex have been floated as leading contenders, but now the league itself is chiming in -- and it's looking like a slam dunk for the House of Mouse.

The NBA and its players union are in exploratory talks with Disney, according to league spokesperson Mike Bass. The season would resume in two months at the 220-acre Wide World of Sports. Disney would provide the campus as a single site for games and practice sessions. Disney would also provide housing, probably squaring away one or two of its resort hotels to keep all participants together, with existing guest reservations bumped to other on-site properties. This is just what the NBA seems to need to avoid capping this as an unfinished season. It's also a major coup for Disney.

Image source: Disney's ESPN.

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Source Fool.com