Will ChatGPT Ever Actually Be the "Google Killer" Everyone Thought It Would Be? (Answer -- not yet!)

All dynasties eventually come to an end, whether they were the Pharoahs of Egypt, or the Romans of the ancient world, or the Boston Celtics of the 1960s and early 80s. In business, it ends in one of two ways: the business adapts and thrives or gets left behind. Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a great example of the former. What started as an online bookstore is now the largest online retailer and the world's leading provider of cloud services. On the other hand, companies like Borders and Blockbuster failed to keep up with change and went out of business altogether.

Alphabet's (NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOG) Google Search has enjoyed a tremendous run as the world's preferred search engine, but change is coming. Let's look at the threat and how Alphabet is adapting.

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Source Fool.com